Williamstown Community Childcare Centre CLG was established in 2002, as a response to an identified need for affordable childcare in the area. A number of local people, community organisations and residents’ associations came together to work on addressing this need. The childcare centre operated mornings only, in a small council house in St Catherine’s Grange and moved to our current purpose-built premises in 2007.
The service, which was originally set up to support the families from Farran Park and St. Catherine’s Grange estates, was extended to the wider community.
Our Mission
To provide high quality childcare to families in Waterford City and its environs, that is respectful, convenient, culturally sensitive and which is delivered in a nurturing, fun and caring environment that is accessible to all children, but particularly children of families experiencing poverty and social exclusion.
Our Vision
We aim to make Williamstown Community Childcare Centre accessible to all members of the community, regardless of race, gender, family status, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief or membership of the Traveller community. At Williamstown Community Childcare Centre our ethos and practice values diversity and promotes equality.
We further aim to deliver a high-quality care and play curriculum which addresses each child’s children’s well-being, identity and belonging, communication and exploring and thinking, with the principles of Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework.
We aim to work with ‘Síolta’ The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education, by following its 12 principles of quality and the 16 standards within its framework. We operate within the Childcare (Pre-School Services) (No 2) Regulations 2006 and The National Standards for Pre-Schools (2010).
We strive to ensure that the voice of the child is heard, respected, and contributes to our programme. We aim to ensure that the developmental, educational, emotional and social needs of each child are met daily. Williamstown Community Childcare Centre promotes a positive atmosphere where children, staff and parents are treated with respect.
Our values
Engagement – We engage with the families in our service and the community. We are responsive and interested.
Respect – We promote a culture of inclusion, diversity and equality.
Communication – We are open and transparent in our communications with our stakeholders.
Integrity – We do the right thing and are accountable for our finances to ensure sustainability for the future.
Commitment to Excellence – We commit to achieving best practice and high standards in our governance, processes and procedures.
Quality Employer – We strive to provide an excellent working environment for our employees.
The Board of Directors:
Sarah Doherty
Mary O’Shea
Grainne de Paor
David Meagher
Ciara Roche